Soooooooeeeeeeeelection Suuuuuuuunnnndayyyyyyyy!
Not that I am excited. My first bracket entry hit the web site and I got the confirming email and it feel like Kristmas! Here is a cheklist for good Kubies!
1. Go to Facebook and find the KUBE home page.
2. Add 100 of your friends.
3. Go to your Twitter account and follow Kubeklassik.
4. Enter at least twice
5. Get everyone in your office to play.
6. Get everyone in your family to play.
7. Open a Pay Pal account if you do not have one already to make payment easier.
8. Go to the Boomreactive.com site and learn what they can do for your web presence and social media marketing!
Do it now!
It really does look like a great tournament this year. Other than all my favorite teams get lumped into the Western Region. Some of the games are in Columbus, that is kind of west...west of Cleveland anyway. As always when I did my brackets I ended up with 1 and 2 seeds in the final 4. I always disappoint me which gives me a feeling similar to how everyone else must feel when they deal with me.
Go Vandy!
But seriously. I want to blow the KUBE up this year. I am hoping to have Komments from Dan Kukla starting as soon as possible. Dan can actually write. He can spell, conjugate verbs. and what not. Jon Becker is handling the uploading and downloading and all web related promulgations on our SWEET new website. It will be even more serious if we can crush that 500 entry threshold at which time we likely need to get listed on the NYC. All entries are getting invested in lottery tickets but there has been some talk of KUBEWAY! A multi level marketing opportunity (scam) in which we can have tiers and trails and mailbox money coming in and you can create a second income and work from HOME! More on that later.

Join the stupid, love the stupid, be the stupid.
KUBE, Stupid People Doing Stupid Things...for a long time!
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