Who woulda freaking thunk that this sad amalgam of losers would be back, un-indicted (not a word) or Spitzerized (also not a word) in any meaningful way... to lead another illegal gambling enterprise where Kukla pockets all the money? Who indeed?
This years KUBE looks to be the worst ever. Last years cast of characters looked like a group of people who failed to make the final casting cut for "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly". lovable losers.... indeed!
Since we are getting together after a year there is a need to get to know one another again and dispel a few rumors and myths that have cropped up over the last year with some of participants and just make some general clarifications:
Brittany Spears is NOT pregnant with Dan Kukla’s child. Dan has been to busy being Sports Editor for Miami of Ohio’s newspaper. he had nothing to do with her little sister either... no matter what you heard.... at least that is what I am told.
Todd King of Ohio is indeed married to a witch.... or wiccan or...whatever. This does not give him an unfair advantage when selcting his brackets. Well, maybe it does. I will talk to Kukla about a witch ban but we don’t want any lawsuits.
Mark Winland has been implicated in the recent housing bubble melt down.
Lynn and Jerry Ebest do not have Bobby Knight living in their attic. It is not a rumor but it is a fact that Lyn sold her soul to the Schnuck family in order to win last years kontest. Without her knowing it we have modified the rules so that last years winner cannot win again this year. Don’t ask how, it is just a miracle of the digital age.
Laura Hessel has not been called by “client number 9”... nor has she been transported across State lines in violation of the Mann Act. No matter what anyone might be saying. Although her fiance’ does live in Illinois...hmmm?
Cary and Dee Mogerman’s second son Sammy is NOT Drake’s “two guard”. On the other hand he really nows his way around a marimba.
Megan Gates is in no way “linked” to the Butler basketball team.
The West family has no traffic violations on their collective records. Indeed, officially no member of the West family has ever violating a speeding law. They are model drivers.
Blue Horseshoe might or might not be a famous local politicians alias when using his Emperors Club account.
Rex (The wonder dog) Curtis is NOT secretly dating bitchy kennel klub champion Beagle “Uno”. For that matter neither is the Mogerman dog who may, or may not be a pit bull in drag.
Logan Finnerty has not been allowed to beat his mother or even to back talk her for yet another year. We all need to get together and make sure that Logan does indeed finish higher then his mother this year so that the kids in school stop beating him up.
The Shapiro family had nothing to do with the recent cash calls and financial issues at Baer Stearns.
This year is going to be run by the same Kukla Modified Skoring System (TM) that brought so much satisfaction last year. I am sure he will explain it later. Back by popular demand is the Pet Kompetition. Highest placing pet will get some Kukla determined % of the pot. In order for your pet to kompete you must submit a pikture of said pet digitally by no later then 24 hours after the first tip off. Email the picture of your mutt (although we will take other pets we have a bias for dogs... and maybe Kukla’s kat) to wantonbecker@mac.com. Our goal this year is 25 pets. Please dominate the species of your entry. In the case of any Becker entries species should also be noted.
This year for the first time we are actively requesting submissions for inclusions and observations in the KUBE KNEWS AND KNOTES! This reporter is not going to Vegas. This reporter is staying right here in little old St. Louis. We need a little bit more of an on line community this year. I am looking for insights or perhaps just plain hatefulness. I am also calling for an official KUBE KICK OFF PARTY at the Sports Zone on Thursday beginning at 11:00 C.S.T. for tip off. I might even konvince Kukla to open up the Kukla wallet (a.k.a. Fort Knox) and spend some of his ill gotten with fraudulently acquired funds from the last few years.
Lets get moving people. Bracketology is here.
Lets also get at least 200 people entered.
The Longshot Award looks awfully similar to the pot that I was disqualified from two years ago. Just curious -- what will be considered "bad faith" this time around?
I have been cheated in this evil pool of miscreants for something like the last 12 years. It is with unabashed horror i find myself again reflecting on brackets, Bloo Horshoos and Becker. Please arrange a suitable kick-off event, but do not invite McDowell.
Can you post the collection points somewhere on the site? If you want people from freaking Ohio to send you $$$, you have to let us know some sort of address...
By the way, Witches Wule...
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