Round 1 is HISTORY.
This has been a very disorienting week with St. Pats day falling during Holy Week and the NCAA’s starting during the same week. basketball games on Good Friday and Easter? I do not know whether to be offended that college basketball is encroaching on religious holidays or that religious holidays would dare to compete with bracketology. Serious questions my friends. With Easter and all that we will probably not be getting into the pet brackets until Monday or so. Do not panic and by the way you guys have some ugly, frightening pets. I think some of you do not even own these animals... you just searched the web for rabid animal pictures and sent them in. No shame.
It looked like the chalks were going to hold and carry the day but on day 2, (Friday) things got.... shaken up. In the same way a suicide bomber “shakes things up” U-Conn blitzed some savvy bracketologists off the map. Tragedy. But share with me a moment of silence for the Mogermans and the Finnerties who beloved Drake Bull Dogs bowed out on an ugly flukey shot with no time remaining. After having gutted it out tie and then go into overtime and take the lead... then have the dreaded shot to the heart. Hard to watch even of you are not an alum. So many bracket busters on day 2. Aside from Drake and U-Conn, Sienna humiliated Vanderbilt (the game was never in doubt after the tip off) and most disastrously for this righter Clemson folded like a cheap deck chair against Villanova.
Some observations from the KUBE KOORDINATOR. Listen and learn!
Here are some observations
We have W Ky (12) vs. SD (13) and Villanova (12) vs. Siena (13) - these games will determine the long shot award winner.
4 people actually picked BOTH W Ky & SD to play each other - Jon's coin toss, Lily and Mark & Diane Winland
One guy - Orville Portforker actually has W Ky playing SD AND Nova Playing Siena - unbelievable.
7 have SD advancing
6 have W Ky advancing
17 have Nova advancing
3 have Siena advancing
One way or another, there will be a tie - which is broken by the person with the fewest points after Sunday night.
Do to my being a MAC owner I have no ability at this point to open standings. Fortunately through the miracles of modern technology i can open it on my law firms system which is an excellent use of firm resources. Looking at the stats after the Friday upsets and all I can say is wow.
Lucy Shapiro with an unbelievable first round. The Shapiros are long lived supporters of KUBE and as a family have proven themselves to be stupid people worthy of mention but Lucy... an awesome showing. Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull is number 2 right now. Anderson, best known for his 70’s rock hit Aqualung and his prowess on the Rock Flute is number 2 with UCLA winning it all. Jay Vance (who has not as of yet sent his check in) is number 3. Jay hails from Omaha, has a lovely wife and child and recently got a new job where they received tax credits for hiring the “impaired”. Good job Jay. (everyone smile at Jay and do not make rapid arm movements which tend to agitate him). Diana Winland is in at 4th and showing some severe guts by picking Texas to win it all. This is the type of stupidity that wins KUBE’s. Diana of course is the long suffering spouse of Mark (I have never done well in the KUBE) Winland. Rounding out the top 5 is inbred Arkansan and likely long shot winner Orville Potforker. Mr. Potforker is from the Beverly Hills Potforkers and is well known for his polo ponies and for the inbreeding in his family. He is also an accomplished ballroom dancer. The police never proved to the satisfaction of a jury that he had anything to do with Princess Diana’s untimely demise.
Now to the bottom of the bracket. Baxter Allsop (who might or might be a pet) is at the bottom followed by the not so Shapiro Like Max. Brad Koeneman is in next and follows Christina Barry and Jim (Not a Kowert) Wienstroer. These people are all hovering at 60% and are not truly miserable picks as we have had last year. i think Nancy Powers and Cary Mogerman are the only ones with their eventual national champion eliminated. Good job. I am currently watching West Virginia losing to Duke. If they do lose my brackets are...dead. Happy Saturday and have a Merry, Blessed Easter! For our Jewish competitors... oh what the hell, you have a Happy Easter too.
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