On information and belief Lucy might...or might not be a pet. With our Koordinator in Oregon drinking Pinot Noir, skiing and generally being an elitist we are kind of...rudderless.
His brief komments and obeservations:
Logan Finerty is the first to run out of points - no matter what happens from here n, he can accumulate no more points

After being a constant leader in the "projected standings" calculation, the death of W. Ky was the death of the Jon Becker coin toss entry
Lucy Shapiro still leads the pack and looks strong with NC winning it all
There has also been some discontent in the KUBE Nation regarding me only posting dog pictures. I want to be clear about this. I hate cats. Along with clowns and mimes there are few things which consistently creep me out more then cats (maybe Howard Dean).
So in light of all the requests I am setting aside my own tremendous personal biases and making this a cat issue.

I do not know what to say about the brackets. West Virginia screwed itself (and me) at the free throw line. North carolina looks like the 800 pound gorilla and they are playing great basketball. Louisville looks very strong but only one will come out of that bracket. Xavier did not look that strong but still finds a way to win. Saturday morning we will provide some more in depth kommentary but in the mean time if the Shapiros could provide a brief biography of Lucy it would be appreciated. For that matter if anyone wants to provide a biography of Lucy that would be awesome. Here is a picture of Lucy and I think you can all agree with me that the dog looks stoned. This dog looks like Johnson used to look on a Sunday morning only without the Doritos stains and crumbs all over it's face. This dog is NOT a cute dog. This dog is the kind of dog that gives good dogs bad ideas. I am requesting immediate drug testing for all pet entries!

1 comment:
You know... The outside observer might take a look at this pool with is increasing number of pet entries and pictures and think its creepy or weird. Maybe they think we're the kind of people that can be seen walking through Francis Park pushing our dogs or cats in strollers. Maybe they look at Lucy's leapard print clam shell and think we're the kind of people that allow places like Pooch Couture in the CWE to exist.
At this point, I can only assume they'd be at least partially right.
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