I wish I had put my brackets in Kukla's car (pictured here).
Sooooo..... 5:30 A.M. tends to be an introspective time even for those of us who do not "spect" much. I come here not to praise my brackets...but to bury them. My pick percentage resembles a really, really good baseball players batting average. I am sure that I could have done a worse job at bracketology but it is hard, even for me to imagine. What is so embarrassing looking at my brackets is that there are almost no upsets (that I picked). Certainly I had upsets happen on teams that I picked. The nicest thing I can say about my success in picking underdogs is that I had marquette on ONE of my brackets.

Today is a DARK, DARK day for the KUBE. Even with the hope of Saturday and Sunday Basketball there is very little optimism in KUBE Central. KUDOS again to KUBE Koordinator Don Kukla. Serving his final term in office from a hospital bed at a secure and undisclosed location he has once again unfailingly updated the brackets, denying himself the sleep needed to recover from the fireball that was his former German high performance driving machine.
But on to the long dark tea time that has become the KUBE. Duh...WINNING! That would be the unlikely duo of Johnny (Chco) Wienstroer and Jon Becker, both of whom had the audacity to steal the brackets of one Barrack HUSSEIN Obama. I am going to save Becker the Wrecker the later morning phone call to me and ask all of you what he will be asking me (pardon as I paraphrase Tea Party Speak but the conversation will go like this:
Me: Hello
Wrecker: Have you seen the brackets?
Me: Yes, I blogged about them at 5:30 but i always forget that you can't read.
Wrecker: Well I cannot believe Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is undermining our brackets too? Isn't it enough that he is tanking our economy, undermining our country abroad and causing Tsunami's and nuclear meltdowns in Japan?
Me: Milka what?
Wrecker: Shouldn't he be spending his time being the President rather than filling out brackets?
Me: Probably but cant the same be said about all of us in our jobs?
Seriously. How sick will I be before today is over hearing people talk about the Presidents pick....REALLY SICK.

It might go like that. Both Wienstroer and Jon Becker live with their parents. I think that is about the meanest thing I can say so I will leave them alone other than to say that my son has contributed one meaningful thing to society at least with the site http://www.bathtubtuna.com/. For a lot of us this could erase the need for Kukla's people at Moneta altogether and althopugh I am not a licensed financial planner i would urge all of you to get out your wallets and invest. This investment opportunity perfectly mimics the crazy, socialistic values of "going green" "eating locally" and most unAmerican of all..."eating fish" values of our current President. Another key difference between Becker and Johnny Chico is that Becker is...engaged.

Johnny Chico seen here in "happier" times.
A quick look at other people who are suffering like myself:
1. John de Penaloza dropping 127 spots to 154. My real brother Aaron Becker dropping even hard 137 to be tied with him. A metaphor for your lives? Think on it.
2. BJ Pupillo who has the highest ranked "Louisville" as Champion pick. Excellent work BJ...excellent. At least you married well.
3. Hunter Michalak with a 39% pick percentage. Home schooled? On the other hand Hunter has a possible point total over 500.
4. Andrew Hume with total possible points of 182? Seriously Andrew... the first minority President already has 148. For 100 bucks I will have Kukla eliminate your entry but he needs the check before 5:00 today.
5. The Louisville Cardinals and just one time for everyone who picked them, like me...HOW ABOUT THOSE HOYAS!?
So it is a sad day. A thoughtful day and yet hope springs eternal. If Wisconsin, San Diego State and Purdue go deep there might be some redemption for my brackets. But in saying that, surely I have cursed them. But for the rest of you, do not lose hope. Do not lose faith. The KUBE is a right of Spring. Quoting the great American aloscent lit author S.E. Hinton..."Stay stupid pony boy".