So...we move shortly to March and we end the cruellest month. As I said earlier...March is still tough but it holds the promise of Spring which is one of the most beautiful things we are gifted with every year. Spring and the promise of new birth. Easter. Planting things. Grass turning green. The birds in this odd winter have already started chirping in the morning. It is kind of a blessed time...before the actual time of Spring. We will of course get several more blasts of winter, another week or two of cold rain but Spring and it’s mystery will not be held back by cold, steel gray skies...not for long.

Spring and All: Greg Brown
Spring and what's left of the hippies return from old rooming houses and
More letters, more journals, more poems to burn; Real heat at last.
At last my words glow.
My friend Jim just broke up his band, the guys all have jobs and the nights
got too long.
He's selling the amps, one guitar, and the van.
I'm sure you could have it all for a song.
Snow on the north side, trash in the yard, love like a newspaper tattered
and stained.
A two bourbon twilight, fog from God's cigar.
the neighbor's retarded dog chasing the train.
Don't see any good in just hanging around, take a tip from the birds and
change the scene.
Find some long river and follow it down to where our old sins have washed
up in New Orleans.
Spring and what's left of the songbirds return, to fight about loving and
nesting and such.
Thanks for the letters you sent back to burn.
Their smoke is as light, and as dark, as your touch.

Brown is another unappreciated treasure. “Two Bourbon Twighlight, fog from God’s cigar. Neighbors retarded dog, chasing a train.” Indeed.
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