Their is no joy in the Windy City as the Monsters of the Midway started out strong and sputtered and fluttered and ultimately failed against a superior balanced team playing some pretty good football for this time of the year. It was an exciting half of football. Hester’s run back along with 6 or so turnovers made the first half a see saw nightmare that was some of the most entertaining Super Bowl football in a long time. Not good football. Not by a long shot.
It seemed like most of St. Louis was cheering for the Bears. Indy is closer, more polite, less likely to steal your girlfriend, but Chicago is related to St. Louis in a queer and troubling way that no one can explain. We all hate and feel sorry for the Cubs but I think the city would line up behind them if they ever made it past the Redbirds in the playoffs. Chicago has done some horrible things to us over the years. They sent us the Cardinals when they realized the Bidwill family was a cancer that had to be removed from the city. They constantly over shadow us and St. Louisans treat a trip to Chicago like the residents of Mayberry looked at going in to Mt Pilier. They are the senior partner in the relationship, the dreaded “real city” to our tired, road hard and put up wet collection of people. But we like Chicago. We cheer for them because...well because if we could move the baseball Cardinals there we would all happily move there. It is not that much colder...and they have mass trasportation.
The weather was pleasant...for Vietnam. It looked liked the scenes in Forest Gump where Tom Hanks is discussing all the different types of rain. It rained in torrents, it rained it sheets and it never stopped... it never even looked like it let up. It just poured and I could not help to think how sad I would have been to have bucked up 5k to sit in the rain and get soaked watching teams I really did not care about. I think I would have found a nice warm bar or hotel room and called it a night after the 3rd quarter.
The Man...The Couch Slouch, Norman Chad was right about the point spread being “fools gold my friend....fools gold.” So said Chad in late January. He was wrong about when the game would be over since it was still a game at half time. More importantly he was wrong about Prince splitting his pants. Me...I was wrong about everything. I Took the Bears...and the points...I took the "over." I proved why I need to have a regular job and should not be betting money or setting lines. Half time was not a high point for me. The high point was seeing Rex (airball) Grossman toss up footballs for grabs into groups of Colts where they had to fight over who was going to intercept it. Lovey Smith is too good of a guy for this situation and he will probably start Grossman next year on the basis of, “he got us to the Super Bowl.” What a mistake. This guy looked like a deer in the headlights and the balls he threw...were just so bad. He short armed the ball like a drunk at the passing machine at Dave & Busters. Somewhere his high School quarterback coach found it hard to sleep thinking about all those jump balls he threw up at critical times. But...that is nether here nor there. The better team won. They covered the spread handily and Payton Manning (who does seem like one of God’s own nice guys) and Tony (the long suffering) Dungy get their rings. They will likely not be back next year but it is nice to see nice, talented guys win even if they did it at the expense of those lovable Bears.
Wait till next year. In the never ending sports cycle bridged by the draft it is only a few hours till kick off.
1 comment:
So this is what you do in lieu of playing Golden Tee... Lets break a New Years resolution and restart the chronicle of dive bars
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