Who is going to be President? Come on...seriously....it is only like a year before the first primary, shouldn’t you know by now....loser? Huckabee announced last Sunday and Biden and Romney and Obama and Mc Cain and Clinton and Edwards... who am I forgetting? More importantly...who cares?
I cannot muster a lot of passion for it at this point. I hate the war and want someone to get us out of there but waiting two years seems too insane. Obama is positioning himself nicely by manipulating for a pull out right now. This whole congressional non binding statement opposing the war...can we just shoot these guys? I like O’ Bama. I mean having someone who can actually speak the english language is a HUGE switch. I think he is the kind of guy who could speak and hold my attention. I also think he might be able to inspire me, to call me out, to call us out to be better rather then what our President did after 9-11 which was to urge us to spend more. I mean I do not buy the idea that we are in a “war” anyway. The war on terror reminds me of the war on drugs. An undefined enemy and no way to determine when you have “won.” But if some other parents have their kids over their, dying, getting maimed and living in fear because our President sent them there, shouldn’t the rest of us have to do something? Suffer some inconvenience? Pay more taxes....anything?
So which of these people can really lead? Hilary has repositioned herself in the middle which might or might not be a smart move. More importantly she has that monstrous, smart, hard working Clinton team behind her. Remember the only reason Karl Rove was allowed in as President was because James Carville had served two terms. I could never vote for her but she might make the best President.
Edwards is someone I have always liked. My nose holding vote for Kerry last time had more to do with Edwards then anything else. He is positioning himself on the FAR left. I really like him a great deal. The charm of him for me is that while being a rich plaintiff’s lawyer he is attempting to be a pure populist. I really do think our country could use a populist to take us back to the middle. A Hughie P. Long would be more to my taste but since we obliterated New Orleans that is not an option so we have to settle for one of those east coast southerners. He also has a command of the language and might have the ability to inspire me.
Huckabee could be the new Bill Clinton of the Nazi right. He can speak as well and is charming almost like a Reagan. He was a fat guy who lost a lot of weight. He is sucking up to the religious right but he speaks well enough to be charming. I got to tell you, based on what I have seen I like him. He left his state in a shambles. He spent all the money in the discretionary fund on the way out. He appears to be capable of anything...I like that. What can I say.
Romney and Biden....never is and never was. Mc Cain? I liked him 6 years ago. Now he is old. Now he wants a “surge” to salvage something un-winnable. I still like him a great deal as a person and respect the hell out of him. I don’t think he could win but I think I could vote for him too.
I guess my point is (to the extent that there is) that I like a lot of these guys. I think i could vote for several of them. They have warts. The press will certainly crucify them. We will find out that Obama’s father slept with pigs. Hilary is not actually Bill’s wife but his “double cousin.” Huckabee actually sold his soul to the devil to lose those 150 pounds of krispy kreams. Edwards will eventually be found out to be a used car salesman...perhaps in drag. Who knows what we are going to find out about this crew? Anything is possible but God...I hope I don’t care. I really want to enjoy watching this spectacle. I will pray that someone rises to the top, but as our late friend Hunter Thompson also observed...”the scum also rises.”

How about the governor of New Mexico, the first serious Spanglish contender Bill Richardson. There's a lot of meat for you to chew on there. Serious foreign policy experience, environmental credentials, and can you see the Presidential limo with 20 inch rims and spinners? ......clean.....
You also left out Senator Joe (plagiarist) Biden. I like him even though he's short. Not John Edwards short, but still a hobbit. You know what would be fun? Seeing John and Joe in a Mexican knife fight. Bad news is both of the dwarves would be licking the paw of the next French premier, and I can't stomach that.
Barack Obama confessed to doing coke, and nobody really cared. Why, because people expected him to be doing CRACK.
Hillary Clinton? WOW, who EVER saw THAT coming? She is one patient broad to wait 2 terms of her erstwhile husband and then 2 terms for W. She is Sun Tzu re-born. Still, John McCain looks better in a skirt than she ever will, so it looks like she'll end up as Miss Congeniality.
Rudy Giuliani? Yeah, I know we were ostensibly talking about Democrats, but someone ought to tell Rudy he's running on a Democratic platform (pro-choice, pro-gun control, confessed womanizer) Still, he is the only hero to come from 9-11, so he gets a free pass for now.
This Tiemann, he.....he speaketh the truth. His a wise, wise man. His political insight makes Chris Matthews look like, well, like the amateur we all know he really is. But Biden a hobbit? A short man? I don't think so. Splitsville knows short. Short is a friend of his. Biden is not short.
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