What makes people go nuts? Booze? Drugs? Loss of privacy? Lack of sleep? Britneys’s well publicized melt down the other day is not all that instructive. The thing about celebrities is that we see them. They are covered, they are followed by paparazzi but are they any crazier then the rest of us? This diner thinkest not.
Celebrity brings it’s own share of nightmares. You have no privacy. As Britney has shown your relationships, weight gain, divorce, babies, shaved genitalia, partying, failure to have hit in 3 years, having baby with an idiot, finances, relaqtionship with your mother etc...etc...etc... There is no privacy and that would have to assist in making you.... I believe the legal term is “more crazier.”
Also celebrities are encouraged to act out and make headlines. With the web you can almost watch them any time of day...or more likely night. When they do something weird or stupid it is covered and under the theory that no publicity is bad publicity they do dumb and sometimes morally questionable things to get coverage and exposure (i.e. Britney’s recent “upskirt” shots and of course the Paris Hilton sex video.
When you add booze and drugs to the mix...well, then you get Anna Nicole Smith.
But I really do believe that these people are no different then any of us. Sure, most of them are prettier and they become mega wealthy but I think if you put the average 18 year old, from Ladue...or Arnold...or Chesterfield in the position that she is in....disaster cometh...and it cometh four thou. Think about the madness that is around us every day. Seemingly rationale people get divorced...and go crazy. Damaging their spouses, their children and themselves without a thought to the consequences. Rich people get bored with the lack of strife in their life and so turn to “recreational” drugs to liven things up. People with the lottery and some...fall apart.

I don’t know. I look at Britney like everyone else and shake my head. Pretty, reasonably talented, unbelievably rich. What a waste. I worry about her two kids. But really, is she any different then anyone else? Should i be more worried about the person I work with every day who seems to be having a hard time? Should I be more concerned about a family member who I can actually help? Britney is a car wreck. You cannot look away and what we are seeing right now is pretty sad but take lesson from it and look around. People are fragile. Take care of the ones God throws into your life.
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