What is more dramatic...watching Rex Grossman (Rex Grossman) toss up air balls in the Super Bowl or watching terrorists nuke Valencia California on 24? Norman Chad might say the Super Bowl. This from the Couch Slouch:
Ask the Slouch
Question: Since the number of people airborne over the United States at any given hour is about 61,000, how many of them are in danger of being hit by a Rex Grossman pass?
Answer: Actually, I'd also fear for those still taxiing on a delayed Delta Airlines flight.
For those of you who do not regularly read Norman Chad: http://www.chron.com/content/chronicle/sports/chad/home/
Perhaps it is not fair to pick on Grossman. He is of course only 12 years old and still has not lost the aggressiveness pounded into him relentlessly in the “Pop Warner” league where he recently cut his teeth.

How does Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) do it? How can reasonable people suspend their disbelief for periods of time in order to watch all this shameless, violent clap trap. Unbelievable bull shit. Totally whacko, non sensical hate, violence, torture....and I love it. I think that reflects very poorly on me... and our country and is exactly what I would expect from FOX. Fair and Balanced. Indeed.
We have terrorists on one hand...blowing up Valencia where my friend Tiemann and his family obviously were killed in the conflagration...I cannot pretend that there is anything else in Valencia that would be missed but Tiemann had at least one salvageable child...perhaps even two and a very nice wife. On the other hand we have the neo cons constantly trying to suspend the constitution so that they can take over the government, save us from the terrorists...and the liberals. Then we have Jack and the good guys but on 24 the “good” guys are an ever changing cast where good guys turn out to be deep cover bad guys and then....ohhh...it is not good.
Whenever I think I am having a bad Monday coming home and getting a taste of Jack Bauer’s day...well that my friends is a bad day. here is nice picture of Kiefer and his puppy. I hope the puppy does not know anything about the nukes or he will have to shoot it in it’s little knee.

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