So KUBE senior management and the next generation made it through the first and 1/2 of the second round and are now back in the Lou or back at their insititutions of “higher” learning. Sure their were some awkeard moments (notably involving a trampoline, ans albino midget and the Bally Hotel & Casino’s sprinkler system but fortunately the high powered KUBE legal team was able to convince the authorities that the whole thing was just a “misunderstanding”.
Bally’s Sports Book was the typical madness and when the first game tipped off I wish all of you could have been there with a few hundred, dirty hungover men along with a handful of sad, depressed and long suffering wives and girlfriends and a few over worked waitresses bring bevys of bloody mary’s and beers. When CBS starts the first live feed there is a general clapping of appreciation but when the first game tips.... there is a roar. March Joy has arrived again.
I would also like to point out that in the last two weeks, with the advent of this years KUBE the DOW JONES has rallied as the KUBE has once again brought hope back to the American people. 230 KUBISTS have entered this in a tour de force of confidence in America, God, College Basketball and the economy. It is a proud moment indeed. We are going to wait until tomorrow night to any serious review of the current stats but as of Friday Night we had Adam Reed of the deeply troubled Reed family (who also needs to send his check in ASAP to KUBE Headkwarters) is currently ahead followed by Chris (Huggy) Behr, Wantonbecker...Uleashed and.... wait for it.... wait for it.... BECKER THE WRECKER! Obviously it would be a dark, DAAAARRRK day in KUBE history to have the Wrecker win or even, indeed come in, in the money so lets just pray it does not happen.
More tomorrow. Don’t fear the KUBE.
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