The KUBE itself is, as always a great contest, a morality play, and a lot of fun all rolled up into one stupid little package, for your pleasure. First, the long shot award:
Some Long Shot Stats for the Komments
20 entries had Arizona advancing to the SWEET 16
Theses people included - our current leader Winland, Derek2, Jon Becker's Pork Barrel entry (even a blind pig finds a corn cob once in a while), all 3 of Ryan Dierberg's picks (the Ivy League Education Strikes Again).
Missing from the list is Brad Koeneman, who attempted to subrogate the system by creating a bracket designed to "win" this prestigious award - but alas, he failed and only had 9 correct picks in the ENTIRE bracket with W. Ky over MS State in the finals - no winnings for those trying to cheat the system. Indeed the KUBE hates schemers and gamers of the system. Brad likely is the kind of person who thought credit default swaps were a good idea and would like to work with the KUBE to “repackage”, “securitize” and “monetize” our income stream.
But our winner is:
Thy Terrell Owens - currently in 209th place (out of 223) - this appears to be a legitimate entry as he has 12 of 16 teams in the Sweet round and all of his elite 8 are still alive with Louisville winning it all. AZ was his only high seeded team advancing. We have since discovered that Thy Terrell Owens in one Jim Barry, playing the KUBE all the way from Burlingame CA and evidently is related to the KUBE from some sad misadventure his daughter had with my deeply troubled nephew Greg Gates. Congrats Jim.
Hard to predict who is going to win under the presently available scenarios. Clearly the wisdom of the crowd calls for NC and Louisville and the KUBE top 20 is littered with those entries. If Villanova goes all the way, I look pretty good since it looks like I am the only one who picked them to go all the way (BRILLIANT!). Derek Winland though brilliant and currently number one is a dead man walking with his (what can only be called) ballsy pick of UCLA to go all the way so we will be saying goodbye to him as leader shortly. Watch for Bob Heine with Syracuse and Shayo Mowen with Memphis and God Bless him there is my brother with his heart in his hands trying to make a run with Missouri going all the way. MIZ… indeed.
Enjoy your brackets, enjoy the games and remember you are one of us. Do something profoundly stupid today and celebrate all that is the KUBE!
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