The Missouri game was a good one and they played well. Could not hit the threes but ultimately those two big monsters that U-Conn had inside were too much forcing our Tigers to adjust every trip into the paint. It was hard fought. Becker The Wrecker thought he had a shot with Mizzou winning it all but alas he goes the way of the Memphis and UCLA fans and slinks quietly... into the darkness.
Kukla has not yet updated because they are still playing but Dave Leavitt (who?) is tied for 32nd and is the highest ranking guy now with U-Conn winning it all. It could be one of the greatest moves in KUBE history. Go Dave... whoever you are. Kukla will be posting tomorrow all the final four possibilities. As Pitt pulls to within 2 of Villanova...wantonbecker is seeing his sad little life pass in front of his eyes. de Juan Blair for Pitt looks like he is 30 at least.
If North Carolina falls tomorrow it is going to be lonely at the top and we could be seeing Sherre Flavin charging up with Oklahoma as her pick to win it all. We are well beyond the “anything can happen” stage but we are now solidly within the “anyone can with this thing”... that is if they are still in it.
The best commercials of the tournament:
1. Any E-Trade commercial with that kid
2. The Bud Light commercial where the guy get ejected from the meeting.. and the building.
Worst commercial...Ozzie Osbourne... he depresses me.

John Winstroer...that is right, handsome Uncle John still also has an excellent shot sitting at 37 if the MICHIGAN STATE SPARTANS win it all. Go....go Johnny go.
Button up and button down kids. We got more basketball to go. But until we meet again. GO Villanova!
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