One of the Diner Reviews sadder occasional readers gave us this response to Zombie Banks:
1. ..."Klaatu....." please explain this origin. I remember Klaatu only as a band from the 70's that released one album and was purported to be the Beatles re-unification effort.
2. killing zombies feels great, just like in the video games, but there are (at least) three problems with killing them:
a. the follow-on effects of closing them down would have serious (negative) ramifications. Small towns where a bank branch was built, and don't have a computer literate population (read the poorer parts of the country that need help) aren't likely to see anyone jump into that vaccuum anytime soon. accelerating a downward spiral isn't what we're trying to do today. I know that this in theory should make room for better (read luckier, newer) banks, but we've got 10 pct unemployment already, so there is a pool of people already, and no ones jumping into this space because WE"RE IN A DEPRESSION
b. There were plenty of stupid, overly aggressive banks and they need to take their lumps, but I think the bigger problem is one of accounting rules (marking to legitimate values), congressional interference (dont get me started here, but THE NUMBER ONE reason we had a fast shuffle on the stimulus/banking package is these guys knew they were significant contributors to the mess and didn't wish to get implicated), and business cycle. WE'RE IN A DEPRESSION. Banks traditionally do poorly in depressions, so let the worst of them fail, but we don't need to push others over the edge.
c. if we have a choice between saving Detroit and banks, I might choose to walk away from both, but banks at least perform the vital role of servicing the finance needs of companies between 1 and 500 employees. Old data (2 years ago) tells us this used to be over 70% of the US business sector, so they need an alternative if you're gonna shoot their only service option. Better if you would propose something to fill the void, because the surviving banks don't have the cash or the risk mentality to take on new clients because WE"RE IN A DEPRESSION.
3. Better idea: call in Wil Smith, 'cuz just like in "I am Legend" he could (and did) perfect a solution to cure zombies.
In response your Diner Reviewer States:
1. Klaatu, Barada, Nickto is of course the phrase used in the classic movie, "The Day The Earth Stood Still" is order to keep the alien's robot "Gort" from destroying man kind. Dolt.
a. The hateful monster banks NEVER built a branch in a small town. You might on the other hand lose 5 of the 20 banks in your sick, sad L.A. suburb. Boo hoo California Nancy Boy. (not to get personal)
b. agreed
c. I like banks. I just want the big banks killed. Is that wrong?
3. Will Smith can do anything. You remember him making that Alien's plane crash in "Independence Day"?
Any further questions I will refer to Gort.