March 26, 2007
Off Broadway
The Silos
Soooooooo...lets talk about the venue first. Off Broadway has plane and simple, with the closing of Mississippi Nights been putting on the best shows for a longer time then any venue in St. louis. Always a little beat leaning to the twngy, affected KDHX crowd but thre is really nothing wrong with that. The venue was owned bt the same people for years and they were trying to sell it for years and finally someone bought it. The venue has been kept the same and books the same and looks the same other then losing a lot of the brick-a-brack that hung in the old place. The wagon wheel light still hands prominantly and dominates the room.
But this has always been a screwed up venue. The shows never start before 9 and it does not make any difference whether we are talking Saturday or Monday. That is tolerable even on a Monday but for the fact that they always have a local opening act, along with the opening act, before the main act and...well that is three bands and inevitably that means the band you really want to see never goes on before 11:00 and on a start your week, that is just too damn late for daddy. It is another case where I am old and stupid enough that i want to write them a letter... to explain how right I am and how wrong they are...share my wisdom....what an idiot I am.
I don’t remember the name of the opening band. They were good and tuneful. They had a vocalist who souded like Jimmy Ryan of the Blood Oranges and a female singer who could of been in my wife’s family she looked so familiar. I would of been happy with them as the opener.
Interspersed with the new material he sang “Take Some Drugs and Drive Aorund”, “When the Telephone Rings” and a few others. The set was kind of uninspired and it was just sooooo late.
Over all it just was an uninspiring show, Mondays anywhere are tough. Monday nights in St. louis at 11:00 are stone losers and he did not bring enough to carry this one off. I will never hesitate to go see the guy but I didn’t get home till 1:00 and that.... just does not work. I will give it 6 1/2 Slingers on the 10 scale.
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