So....what do we do about Al Gore? That is Albert Arnold Gore Jr. (cleverly named by his father Albert Arnold Gore Sr.) Sure none of us voted for him in 2000. My protest vote for Nader probably did as much to get Bush elected as the Florida Attorney General Katherine Harris at the time (did anyone see at the time that she was obviously crazy?) but I get no credit...no credit at all. Everyone who said after 9-11 (and you know who you are) “Boy am i glad we didn’t elect that Gore guy” and”Boy am I happy our President has experienced professionals like Rumsefled and Cheney to lean on” has to now feel like maybe, in retrospect, Al Gore would not have been such a bad thing.

I think that Al has a younger brother named Frank. Sure in our open and multicultural society we should not have a problem with mixed race families. What Al’s dad did in his private life 30 something years ago is no one’s business but...why did he hide it? Once again the cover up would be more damaging then the actual FACT. I am surprised Fox news is not all over this. It is a no brainer story. I mean a philandering brother, a white collar criminal brother, a brother with an alcohol or chemical dependency problem... that is ok. So why keep Frank in the closet? My guess is that Al would have outed himself if his brother did not play for the pathetic San Fransisco 49ers. Anyone would be embarrassed to have a brother in a predicament like that.
# 21 Frank Gore #00 Al Gore
Position: RB Position: Former Vice President, United States of America
Height: 5-9 Height: Unknown
Weight: 212 Weight: Big
Born: 05/14/1983 Born: march 31, 1948
College: Miami (Fla.) College: Harvard
NFL Experience: 3 NFL Experience 0
Why all the unknowns regarding Al Gore? What is he hiding? These stats on Frank Gore were instantly available by Web, yet Al Gore...who if memory serves correctly INVENTED the internet has somehow worked his cyber mojo to eliminate all information regarding his height and weight yet could NOT hide the fact that he, unlike his brother has NO NFL experience. A lot of "naysayers" in the "liberal media" (controlled by satan and Jane Fonda) might argue that since Albert Arnold Gore Senior died in 1971 that it is unlikely that Frenk (Born 1983) is his bastard son. This overlooks a whole generation of genetic and cryonetic research which could have allowed this. I think the gap in time between the senior Gore's death and the birth of his illegitimate son make the whole thing even MORE suspicious and more damning for son...or sons if you will. Albert Arnold Gore Sr. also spent a significant amount of time in south Florida. Coincidence? I don't think so.
More importantly Al is still reeling from having the 2000 election relieved from him in a Florida mugging. Frank on the other hand, playing for a pathetic 49ers team posted some his best stats ever in 2006. I think if the Democrats are looking for a candidate they might want to consider someone who is still posting good numbers. If the party is paying attention they will take a hard look at Frank Gore. His numbers are up, he is popular and SanFransisco and therefore...obviously could deliver a high percentage of the gay and lesbian vote (forgive me this Fox News over simplification to illustrate a non-existent point) and he would poll strong with Blacks and minorities (because he is one so it obviously could not be any other way...right?). So, lets get real...Al Gore has no intention of running. His only option is to hang with his Hollywood friends and save the environment.

Well, this was an interesting jog-around-the-subconscious of Mr. Becker. Perhaps this is Mr. Beckers desperate cry for an editor, or alternately for a different cocktail of anti-psychotic meds. The days of a well-positioned, respectable yet underfunded politico stepping in at the last minute as a compromise candidate are over. It's gonna be Obama vs. Hillary in a cage match and anyone who attempts friendly mediation in the name of keeping the Democratic party harmonized does so at their own peril. Remember how Dan Quayle was just biding his time following his defeat by Clinton/Gore? Once you take your hands from the levers of power, there are simply too many interests aligned to give you a second crack at it. Hillary/Bill will damn him with faint praise, and the party money-power brokers aren't really interested in funding yet another candidate in an already over-crowded field. For them, the only thing worse than a bruising and divisive two horse race is one with three horses who's interests cannot possibly be aligned or brokered. The party leaders would like the primaries to be a romp for a moderate candidate where they will not have to betray any awkward half-baked policies until they square off against John McCain in the real election. While there may be other political calculations at play, maybe Al is just staying close to the Presidential Texas Hold 'em game to see what cards are buried in the flop (super tuesday) to see where he ought to throw his support base. Until then, just polish the Oscar.
Under no circumstances would I ever say that I'd rather have Al Gore as our President. I'd prefer that crazy socialist Ms. Royale from France than to have to listen to anyone from Hollywood tell me how wonderful Al Gore is. In spite of all the other reasons he's no better than Bush, he's a Hollywood groupie and that alone should freak out anyone with a mind not presently altered by a very good narcotic.
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