In that regard I am putting in an open plea to Kukla to allow me to “leverage” your entry fees by going to Western Union and wiring maybe a grand out to daddy...here on the ground where I can put all those good instincts regarding Saturdays games.
My dog Lily has called twice...evidently there are some issues with Doggy Day Care over the fact that I maxed out my charge cards yesterday. Evidently they are kicking the dog out on the street. I have not had the heart to tell my wife yet. She is rather attached to the dog but after reading the dog’s picks on Wednesday I am frankly a little tired of her uppity attitude. And what about doggy day care? We did not leave anyone to take care of our children. They are running amok in Webster unsupervised...my 14 year old daughter throwing raucous parties as the neighbors have put the police on speed dial and have been called to the house several times. Fortunately we have turned the cell phones off so no problem there. But my wife IS concerned about the dog.
She is also concerned regarding my mental health and over all book making abilities. Regular readers (who understand the discipline that is the hallmark with which I lead my life) will find it hard to believe but I got VERY little sleep and woke up... in poor health. Taht is the only reason I can think of that I bet that ALBANY would beat Virginia. Either that or I had a stroke which is also possible. Why would ANY rational adult POSSIBLY think that the Albany Grayhounds could beat the Clayton Grayhounds, much less a major college program from a major conference? I also broke with a long antipathy towards Notre Dame and had them going to the third round in brackets and announced them as a “lock” when playing over rated Winthrop. At best you could call this an idiotic incident. At worst it is a financial catstrophe. My wife is leaning towrds describing it as the latter and evidently she has already retained Mogerman so... I will be moving back to my parents basement soon...and they do not even have cable.

My other major betting faux pas was taking Long Beach State over Tennessee? I will likely need some professional counseling to work out why that happened.
Lets call this a plea for help to those of you back home in St. Louis but let me recap what I need:
1. Money from Kukla wired (A grand will keep me through tomorrow).
2. If someone would begin looking for my dog...the Doggy Day Care place is on Laclede Station near Hanley...if I know the dog it can probably be found on the corner stool at Cousin Hugos. DO NOT under any circumstances obligate me to pay the dog’s bar tab. If the dog has been drinking Jamiesons...just back out of the bar and go on your way. She is a mean drunk.
3. Consider calling DFS and having them take charge of our kids. We might or not make it back.
Kukla was snowed in, in NYC and is on a train to baltimore ro catch a plane to St. Louis in his own little, sad version of Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Out thoughts are with you capitain and do not forget to wire daddy some cash. Internet connections at Ballys cost $11.99 per day by the way. Thanks for the help. If they do not kick us out of Ballys we may be able to keep in touch.
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